Friday, November 29, 2019

Unique Filipino Values

November is Filipino Values Month, pursuant to proclamation No. 479 issued October 7, 1947 is an effective measure to create moral awakening and national consciousness on unique, positive, and genuine values held important by the Filipino people in their daily lives.

Image result for november is filipino values month
BAYANIHAN (Volunteerism), Damayan (Helping one another), Pagkamatapat (Loyalty), Hiya (Loss of face and prestige), Utang na loob (Debt of gratitude), Sariling sikap (Self-reliance), Pakikisama (Comradeship), Matulungin (Helpful), Bukas ang Palad (Philanthropic), respect for elders by the use of Po and Opo when addressing them – these are some of the array of Filipino values for which the Filipino people are known worldwide.

We observe the month of November as Filipino Values Month. Let us celebrate Filipino Values every day of the year. This will help us keep ourselves together as one people of one blood.

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